Bangladesh Cargo Services

Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS) Bangladesh Cargo Services (BCS)
Message of the Proprietor
Mr. Dulal Hossain

Focusing on my extensive experience, I intend to mention that our company (Bangladesh Cargo Services) is a company, with a commitment to provide you, the customer, with the finest possible customs clearance and freight forwarding service tailored to your individual needs in a cheaper price as we believe in quality service and individual care. As the proprietor of the company, I am determined to continue working with the importers / exporters & Bangladesh Govt. as a trustworthy agent with utmost care that we have been doing so far.


Md. Dulal Hossain
